Junior Division

New and special for our 50th annual tournament benefiting the Children’s Therapy Center of the Quad Cities is a unique Junior Division, sponsored by Russell.

  • Youth participants must fish with a team OR individual registered for the 50th Annual Children’s Therapy Center Bass Tournament (i.e. the registered/paid team or individual competes against the normal field and the youth competes against others in his or her age group)
  • Maximum number of anglers in boat is 3: Registered two-adult team plus one youth or registered one-adult team plus two youths
  • The youth’s catch must be kept separate from the team or individual they are in the boat with
  • Special 12-inch minimum length limit for largemouth and smallmouth bass for Junior Division participants (does NOT apply to regular tournament participants)
  • Like the regular tournament, youth anglers must use ARTIFICIAL LURES ONLY (no live bait)
  • Youth will earn awards/prizes in EVERY AGE GROUP for overall largest fish of any species and largest individual bass (see below for specifics based on age)
  • There is NO ADDITIONAL FEE for a youth entry
  • If a team is already registered for the tournament and would like to add a youth entry, please use the CONTACT US link to send us the youth’s name and age
  • Register now!

Junior Divison

Junior Division Awards/Prizes for Each Age Group 16 Years Old and Under
PLACELARGEST BASS (largemouth or smallmouth)OVERALL LARGEST FISH (any species other than largemouth or smallmouth bass)
1st$100 and trophy$50 and trophy
Junior Division Age Groups
16 years old
15 years old
14 years old
13 years old
12 years old
11 years old
10 years old
9 years old AND under
Junior Division Awards/Prizes for 17/18/19 Year Old Group
PLACELARGEST BASS (largemouth or smallmouth)
1st$500 and trophy
2nd$250 and ribbon
3rd$100 and ribbon