The tournament


NEW LOCATION FOR 2024: Bettendorf, Iowa

  • Launching from Leach Park Boat Ramp
  • Parking at Isle Casino
  • Auxiliary locks at Lock & Dam 14 and 15 will operate all day from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. — no restrictions on locking (but there are no designated lock times at other locks)
  • Weigh-in and after-party west of Isle Casino

Ask a past Children’s Therapy Center Charity Bass Tournament angler what the event is like, and he or she will likely tell you it’s the best-run tournament around. Here’s why:

  • Entry fee per boat includes two tournament t-shirts (if received on or before August 1), Don Van Acker Memorial big bass entry: $125 per boat on our before August 1, 2024; $150 per boat after August 1, 2024.
  • Optional fundraising for determining boat position — teams with $250 or more in fundraising get a free entry (we will refund your entry fee if you’ve already paid when you cross the $250 threshold) AND to celebrate our 50th Annual, these teams will be placed in a drawing for $500!
  • Guaranteed $3,000 first place and increased payouts to the top 15% of finishers
  • For our 50th Annual event, a memorial prize in honor of Dave Meyer worth $500 currently set for the team finishing in 20th place
  • 2nd chance to win: All teams that do not place in the top 15% will be entered to win $500. Must be present to win.
  • New for 2024: Junior Division for youth anglers and Bank Fishing Division!
  • Free bottled water for your cooler
  • Parking lot assistance and ramp shuttles
  • Mystery bags for sale at check-in with the chance to win a ton of great prizes 
  • Celebration beginning at 2:00 p.m. with food trucks, weigh-in, and music — invite your family and friends!
  • SPECIAL RATES AT ISLE CASINO HOTEL if you wish to stay there Saturday night (special rates begin Friday but they do not have outdoor outlets for charging batteries). Deadline for booking is September 15.
  • Weigh-in stage with emcee and results board
  • Fish runners
  • Fish release truck
  • The satisfaction of knowing you’re helping kids in need

A large number of volunteers start their day hours before sunrise and stay past the weigh-in to make this tournament what it is. We sincerely thank each and every one of them. If you’re interested in helping, please contact us.